
Sunday, 3 March 2019

Bejabez Ramblings - Systems or Tips

Sorry for the title of this little ramble folks, its just I have provocative questions to ask. “Provocative” may suggest sexual connotations to some, however, I want it to stimulate our thoughts. Oh dear, I’m at it again another sexual connotation. Give me a moment to clear my thoughts. I think I’m Ok now, where was I, Oh yes I was going to talk about Systems and Tips. If you don’t mind I’ll start with;- 


There are more systems than enough how or which one do you choose to use. When asked what is the best system to use for winner finding on horse racing. My reply is “the Best one has, and will never, be seen!” Honestly, would you find a system ‘that works’ then go and tell someone even for money? You know it would soon be broadcast everywhere. 

I worked with a chap who people confided in on other matters, because of his inability to keep a secret he was known as “Radio Dave” Also the more punters and layers knew about this, Midas system, there would be no value anywhere. So far in my fight off between systems and tips, systems have been on the canvas in the first round. Can it make a comeback, Looks exhausted with these opening blows. 

In earlier rambles I’ve mentioned Uncle Bill, well he had a system simple but he did quite well out of it. (I don’t understand how there’s no logic to it) He would use the Daily Mirror, look at the form in the race card and choose the horses with place form in the last three outings e.g 032 finished unplaced, third, second. He would list these and check if any of them was listed second in the betting in the probable SP. If he found one ‘Bet On’ otherwise no bet look another day.

As they say “simples” 

You know as well as me form 032 tell you nothing about the quality, how many runners it was up against, distance, going, and over the jumps any that fell at the last fence. 

Quite a few systems use the form in them. No! systems were not able to get up after this last blow, technical knockout! 

NOTE: Do not let me put you off looking and trying new systems you know what Del Boy says “ This time next year we’ll be millionaires. Rodney” 


Looking favourite to win this competition after round one, however not all plain sailing, Oh that’s another sport, anyway let's get back to Tipsters. 

They are everywhere, all the racing pages have their experts ready to give you advice on why this should do well and win. They also provide their Nap and nb selection. Nap (derived from the card game Napoleon) indicates this is the tipster’s most confident selection of the day. nb = “Next best” and indicates another selection that the tipster rates highly. Newspaper tipster is on a hiding to nothing really as they have to choose one horse for each race, we all know they aren’t going achieve that. 

In days gone by mention the name tipster and it conjures up an image of a man in a raincoat wearing trilby binoculars around his neck, standing outside the racecourse entrance with little brown envelopes. Today is a very different picture with the internet just type in “Tipsters” and see the outcome. When I did this the first site listed was OLBG (online betting guide) worth a look just to see just how many tipsters there are. 

The Racing Post has a tips table (looking at Naps) listing their Naps Table and also a Press challenge listing all the daily papers Naps. 

I am not a tipster and would advise anyone thinking of using one fully check it out, there are some very unsavoury people out there. 

Well in the final round I declare Tipsters over Systems the winner. 

This is has been somewhat an awkward topic I have chosen to write since this is a sister website to others that offer tips on horse racing!