
Friday, 1 April 2022

A Nation of Gamblers

So you love to gamble. 

I bet I love to gamble more than you. I guess we all know someone who doesn't just bet - they bet! Probably more casino gamblers bet big. It's just an inkling. I have been to the Grosvenor Casino at Yarmouth and a few of the regulars don't hold back. One bloke, Graham, doesn't seem stressed by betting a thousand pound a spin on roulette. Makes my 50p (fun bet) look foolishly poor. In truth, it is the only time I bet for fun because I think it builds bad habits. Opening the floodgates starts with an inch or two. But back to betting. Graham must have had a few days where he didn't feel so jubilant going home. He can't be short of a few quid. Either that, or he has borrowed to the hilt. You never know. 

I remember going to the Grosvenor Casino at Luton and there was an Indian man who seemed even more interesting than Graham. I say more interesting as meaning he bet more money. His wife sat at the roulette table drinking tea and not showing much expression to her husbands substantial losses. It was strange as he seemed even more blank-faced than his trouble and strife. He never took less than £50 notes out of his pocket and when those had gone went to the desk and had about 50 tokens worth £500+. We saw him lose £15,000 in a couple of hours. 

He didn't seem in the slightest bit perturbed. 

They say the biggest gambling takes place in Hong Kong. Happy gamblers at Happy Value and a myriad of betting from the sublime to the ridiculous. 

Who do you know who bets big?