
Friday, 3 January 2025

Stewards' Inquiry: Place Your Bets

Bookmakers love their sayings. 

At Great Yarmouth racecourse, one of the turf accountants plies his trade with the call to eager holidaymakers, bettors and children with an ice cream: ''Money without work.'' Those words seem to hang in the air longer than the routine chatter to a point where I would pay £20 for a moment of his silence. As a matter of principle, I would never bet with a bookie who thought I put so little time, blood, sweat and tears (of joy) into my analysis.

If betting on the races is money without work, I'm not sure what he would say about a photo finish. 

Betting on a photo finish. Is that your kind of bet? They are funny, old wagers. You can see the evidence before you. We know who has won and lost until we hear ''STEWARDS' INQUIRY''. The look of horror on those who have backed the ''winner'' a glimmer of hope for those on the ''second''. Other punters too busy searching the floor for a screwed-up betting ticket because they didn't think much at all. 

Your fate is in the hands of the stewards. I've never seen a steward, well not one who decides which horse is the moral victory. 

''I think that bump just before the finishing line made the difference...'' 

Very few horses have double-barrelled names but stewards do. Or that's the impression I have whether right or wrong. 

Have you ever bet on a stewards' inquiry? What is your thinking behind such a bet? Obviously, you have taken an opinion. But, in truth, you should be betting on the opinion of the stewards because you can shout ''Money without work'' but if you are not in the position of creating the truth you may be in for a surprise. 

Take yesterday's result in the 2:10 Beverley. 

Requinto Dawn was first past the post while Weeton ''second'' lost by a nose and a bump. I say a bump because along with wandering slightly across the course, Requinto Dawn bumped Julie Camacho's horse a yard or two before the line. 

The betting on the exchanges had Requinto Dawn priced 1/6f to keep the race. Pundits on Racing UK seemingly convinced it was going to keep the race. Although the lady on the programme said she would wait for the result as you can never tell...

Lots of punters betting on the favourite to keep the race. Easy money! Money without even thinking about work. 

Oh dear. 

Somehow, somehow, somehow...

The result: Weeton was awarded the race. Plenty of punters shouting double-barrel words.
